International College of Angiology

Member, Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS)

TELEPHONE: +802.988.4065   FAX: +802.988.4066

Contact Us 

Executive Office: 

 International College of Angiology  

161 Morin Drive 

Jay, Vermont 05859-9283 USA 

 Tel: +802.988.4065 

Fax: +802.988.4066


   Copyright 2015 © International College of Angiology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

     All fields marked (*) must be completed to continue.

      This form takes you through four (4) steps in order to submit an abstract for the 66th Annual World Congress of the ICA.

          Step 1:  Provide the correspondence author information.

          Step 2:  Insert the full abstract title and text (including tables) and select the abstract submission category.

          Step 3:  Detail all authors to be included.

          Step 4:  Review and submit the abstract.
Please ensure the text throughout is in lower case with the first letter capital where appropriate.

Once abstracts are submitted  they cannot be accessed or amended.


General Abstract Guidelines


  • Author(s):*  Insert all authors' full name, middle initial and surname, degrees, department and address in this section. Indicate the corresponding author with full mailing address and e-nmail address.  The presenter MUST submit a current, abbreviated CV with your abstract submission.
  • Abstracts must be written in English and should be structured in such a way as to include: Background, objectives, methods results and conclusion.
  • All abbreviations must be defined before being used as an abbreviation in the text.
  • The content of the abstract is solely the responsibility of the author. The original abstract is reprinted exactly as provided. It is therefore, essential that the abstract is correctly typed. Avoid errors, corrections and misspellings
  • If including a diagram, please ensure that the abstract text together with the diagram do not exceed one page. ALL DIAGRAMS OR PICTURES MUST BE IN JPEG FORMAT.
  • Use single spacing.
  •  Presentations must give a balanced view of therapeutic options. Use of generic names will contribute to this impartiality. I the CME educational material or content includes trade names, where available trace names from several companies should be used, not just trade names from a single company,
  • ​All recommendations involving clinical medicine must be based on evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine         as adequate justification for their indications and contraindications in the care of patients.

All scientific research referred to, reported, or used in a CME activity in support or justification of a patient care recommendation must conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis.

Word Limit

A maximum of 150 characters or approximately 15 words is permitted. A word count will automatically guide you.
Abstract Body
   Your abstract body should not exceed 2000 characters (including spaces) or approximately 200 words (excluding title and authors).
   A word count will automatically guide you.
   Please note, if you copy and paste an abstract, it will be automatically truncated at 2000 characters; therefore, check the end of your submitted abstract text.
1.  Objectives.  The overall purpose of the study and the research question*
2.  Methods.
  The basic design of the study and the methodology used.*
3.  Results.  Major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis.*
4.  Conclusions.  A brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions.*

  • Insert only a single image OR a single table.
  • IMPORTANT – Please do not include the name of an author or institution in the body of the abstract text. If the abstract text contains the identification of the author and/or their institution, the abstract WILL BE DISALLOWED.
  • Your table must not exceed 10 rows and 10 columns.
  • Substances should be named by their international non-proprietary (generic) name.


  • Select the category that is most appropriate for your abstract.*
  • The reviewers retain the right to move abstracts from one category to another if appropriate.
  • Please select your preferred presentation type from the options in the drop-down box.

Author Details

  • Enter all authors that were involved in the work of the abstract.*
  • A maximum of 10 authors including the presenting author is allowed.

To withdraw an abstract submission, written notification must be sent to This notification must include the title, authors and affiliations (as submitted), phone, and e‐mail of the submitter. All requests for withdrawal MUST be made within 90 days of the annual meeting.

Required Affirmation:
In order to have an abstract accepted for the ICA Meeting, all presenters must confirm compliance with the following:

  • All authors are aware that their names appear on the submitted abstract.
  • Copyright for the abstract will rest with the ICA Meeting.
  • Submitting authors warrant that they are the sole author(s) of the work and that all co-authors (if applicable) have participated in, agree with the content and conclusions of the work, and that the work is original and does not infringe any copyright.*
  • Submitting authors must advise the Program Committee if the material within their abstract has been presented and/or published elsewhere.*
  • Presenting authors of accepted abstracts GUARANTEE THEIR ATTENDANCE at the ICA Annual Meeting.* In the event of any emergency wherein the author is unable to present their abstract, an alternate author is request to give the presentation.
  • Any person who makes a presentation or is a co-author or work presented at the ICA Annual Meeting is required to disclose any financial interest or other relationship (grant, research support, consultancy, etc.) that individual may have with the manufacturers of any commercial products discussed in the presentation.
  • All abstracts must be in submitted in English.
  • Please proofread your abstract carefully to avoid errors before submission. No proof pages will be sent to authors.

If you are a resident or fellow in a training program, consider applying for our Young Investigator Award Competition

The purpose of this competition is to encourage young physicians, research fellows and trainees to engage in high quality research, which forms the basis for future achievement in the pathophysiology of disease, diagnosis and treatment. The Scientific Committee will judge entries on originality, innovativeness, scientific merit, presentation, and relevance. The finalist will deliver a 15-minute oral presentation. The International College of Angiology reserves the right to publish the prize-winning manuscript in the International Journal of Angiology. There will be 3 place winners for this award; first, second and third place. The winner(s) will be given a cash award. All selected young investigator award presenters will receive a one-year Associate Membership in the International College of Angiology. Previous recipients of a Young Investigator Award will be ineligible.

  • Applicant’s academic rank cannot be higher than Associate Professor or Lecturer, and must not have held this position for more than 3 years.
  • The scientific work is mainly the result of the applicant’s effort.
  • Materials must be original, unpublished, and not previously presented.
  • Only one (1) submission per author will be considered. The candidate must be the sole or first author, and must be present at the Award Ceremony to receive the award.
  • The submission must be accompanied by certification from the candidate’s Head of the Division that the candidate executed the work, that the candidate’s academic rank is not higher than Associate Professor or Lecturer, and length of time in this position.
  • Any finalist who cannot personally present their work will be ineligible for the award. 

The full manuscript MUST be submitted along with the abstract. The manuscript should conform to the guidelines for the International Journal of Angiology and should be 8 to 12 pages in length. Abstracts MUST be submitted in the format indicated on our abstract form. A signed disclosure statement MUST be submitted with your abstract. There are three awards in this category―medical, surgical and basic research. The purpose of the award is to encourage young physicians, surgeons and basic research scientists to engage in high quality research which forms the basis for future advancements in patient health care.

Trainees, interns, PA’s and nurses are invited to showcase your most interesting and challenging cases for educational purposes during our annual meeting.  We are particularly interested in complex interventional and surgical cases that fall into the following categories: 

  • SFA
  • Limb Salvage: CLI Recent Advances
  • Venous
  • Contemporary Issues with TAVR 
  • Renal
  • Complex Carotid Disease
  • Coronary
  • Endovascular
  • Valvular & Structural Heart Disease
  • Imaging
  • Complex PCI Issue

Selection of cases for presentation―special emphasis is given to originality, innovation and creativity in diagnosis, therapy and management. 

A prize in the amount of USD $100 will be awarded for the best case/poster presentation(s) by a trainee. In addition to a monetary prize, awardees will receive the remainder of the year’s membership as an Associate or Affiliate Member (whichever is applicable) for free. At the end of the year, the awardee is offered Associate Membership for 3-years or Affiliate Membership at a reduced annual fee. After 3-years as an Associate Member, you would submit an updated CV for elevation to a “full member” which would provide for an opportunity to be nominated for a position in a leadership role in the ICA.


  • What professional practice gap does this abstract address?*
  • How will this abstract influence change in competence, performance or patient outcomes?*
  • A list of references that support the key teaching points MUST be submitted with your abstract.*
  • Abstracts NOT complying with the above information and POLICY and DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS WILL NOT be considered.

Policy Statement
The International College of Angiology requires that audiences at these educational programs be informed of a presenter’s (moderators, speakers, faculty, authors and contributors) academic and professional affiliations, as well as other commercial relationships relevant to the content of the material that is presented.

The policy allows the listener/attendee to be fully informed in evaluating the information being presented. The situations may include, but are not limited to 1) stock options or bond holdings in a for-profit corporation or self-directed pension plan, 2) research grants, 3) employment (full or part time), 4) ownership or partnership, 5) consulting fees or other remuneration received by the presenter or his/her immediate family, including support that may be provided to attend the educational meeting, 6) non-remunerative positions of influence such as officer, board member, trustee, or public spokesperson. The disclosure will be shown as an indication (by two **) for those presenters who have stated that a relationship(s) exists relevant to the topic(s) being discussed.

Indicate any author(s) who has a possible conflict of interest (see policy statement above) by two (2) ** next to that author(s) name in the heading of the abstract.

This program must insure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all educational activities. Faculty and planners participating in such activities must disclosure any significant financial interests or other relationships. Any potential conflicts of interest will be revealed and resolved in the course syllabus.

Financial relationships are those relationships in which the individual benefits by receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria for promotional speakers’ bureau, ownership interest (e.g., stocks, stock options or other ownership interest, excluding diversified mutual funds), or other financial benefit. Financial benefits are usually associated with roles such as employment, management position, independent contractor (including contracted research), consulting, speaking and teaching, membership on advisory committees or review panels, board membership, and other activities from which remuneration is received, or expected. ACCME considers relationships of the person involved in the CME activity to include financial relationships of a spouse or partner.
Conflict of Interest: A potential conflict of interest exists when there is involvement between the speaker/presenter with any for-profit commercial form or organization (FPC). This includes, but is not limited to, one or more of the following: consultant, scientific advisory committee member; or lecturer for a FPC from which income is derived; officer, board member, trustee, owner or employee of an FPC; stock or bond holdings in an FPC (investments entirely managed by a third party such as mutual funds and pension plans are excluded); stock options held in an FPC. 
Off-Label Disclosure (Including Generic Trade Names and Reporting Scientific Research): Presentations must give a balanced view of options. Faculty use of generic names will contribute to this impartiality. Presentations supported by any commercial entity reporting the results of scientific research must conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection, and analysis. When an unlabeled use of a commercial product, or an investigational use not yet approved for any purpose is being discussed during an educational activity, it is required that the speaker disclose that the product is not labeled for the use under discussion or that the product is still investigational.
Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships
As a participant in the Annual World Congress of the International College of Angiology, we require everyone who is in a position to control the content of an educational activity must complete, sign and return the following disclosure statement upon the initiation of planning our educational activities. This disclosure statement must include all relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest within the past 12 months that could be perceived as a conflict of interest. Any individual who refuses to disclose relevant financial relationships will be disqualified from being planning committee member, a teacher or an author, and cannot have control of or responsibility for the development, management, presentation or evaluation of an educational activity.